Retire In Mexico!
Tags: travel memoirs pictures
Did you know more and more people are leaving the United States and retiring in Mexico? I've recently ran across an ezine where a gentleman and his wife became expatriates and how their transition to living in Mexico was rewarding for them. They indicated how their expenses were cut down to a minimum.
Save on flights and retire in Mexico:
Check it out below!
Fly Really Cheap
Retire in Mexico
Travel Banter Blog
Lovely Print of Mexico

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Did you know more and more people are leaving the United States and retiring in Mexico? I've recently ran across an ezine where a gentleman and his wife became expatriates and how their transition to living in Mexico was rewarding for them. They indicated how their expenses were cut down to a minimum.
Save on flights and retire in Mexico:
Check it out below!
Fly Really Cheap
Retire in Mexico
Travel Banter Blog
Lovely Print of Mexico

Buy this Giclee Print at
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